Five FET projects are running in parallel with the Extracellular Vesicle as a common theme: INDEX, VES4US, EVFOUNDRY, GLADIATOR and MINDGAP. This singular situation deserves an action point and it has been decided to get closer and start a networking relation among us, with the aim of maximizing the project outcomes and the cross fertilization. The key researchers coordinating these projects have started elaborating a road map for the next years and the first main action will be to get together once a year in a Clustering Event for the EIC FET projects. Extracellular Vesicles will be the cornerstone of this event.

In 2019, this meeting will be hosted by VES4US project and will take place in Palermo (Italy) next November 6th. The event will be divided in two session: a scientific session in the morning were projects will be outcasted followed by a scientific round table. The programme will follow with an afternoon event devoted to interacting with industrial stakeholders.

The programme of the clustering event:



– Event Opening: Antonella Bongiovanni (VES4US project coordinator)

– Horizon Europe perspectives

European Innovation Council – Barbara Gerratana (INDEX and VES4US Project Officer)

– INDEX, VES4US, EVFOUNDRY, GLADIATOR and MINDGAP projects presentation –  Representatives of each project respectively

– Roundtable about 2 key topics

Topic 1: EVs-production of High Grade EVs formulations: technologies and sources, sustainability.

Topic 2: Applications of EVs: biomedical use, nutraceutics, cosmetics.



– Elevator pitch of the 5 projects – Representatives of each project respectively

– Roundtable with 3-5 industrial stakeholders


Part of the meeting will be live tweeted.

This clustering event will give way to the next day’s EVITA congress which will also take place in Palermo.

The Italian Society of Extracellular Vesicles (EVITA) primordial goal is to promote basic, clinical and transnational research and the interactive network among Italian researchers, in the field of extracellular vesicles. The scientific interest for extracellular vesicles, small vesicles released by cells and present in biological fluids, arises from their preponderant role as mediators of communication between cell and cell and for their involvement in many diseases.