The “2nd Meeting of the Italian C. elegans Research Community” (MICeRCo) will take place from the 5th to the 6th of March 2020 at the IBBR-CNR, Naples.

The interest in C.elegans has increased in the last few years, and with them the growth in the Italian community that investigates them. The organizers of the event: Elia Di Schiavi (IBBR, Naples) and Simone Martinelli (ISS, Rome), have decided to gather the investigators and labs that work with  C.elegans to share information, tools, ideas about them.

As of right now, they have more than 50 registered participants from Italy and Europe and 30 abstracts submitted.

One of the main speakers will be Prof. A.E. Salcini (BRIC, Copenaghen) who will present a lecture entitled: “Defective axon guidance links H3K4 deregulation to neurodevelopmental disorders”. The official language of the congress will be English.

For more information about the event and submit your registration you can visit: