During the 1rst EVs Clustering Event we had the chance to talk to the reference key points in the 5 FETOpen project and some experts in the field of extracellular vesicles.

In order of appearance:


  • Sven Kluczka –  How key could be Anasysta’s role in the exosome market and for these particular FET projects?
  • David Freeman – The keys to the success of your business model to break into the EV market
  • George Daaboul – Which or what type of partners have been key to your growth as a company?
  • Giovanni Rizzo – How to choose and maintain a good relationship with your investors (bi-directional relationship; as far as they go and as far as you report).
  • Marcella Chiari – What interest and institutional support at regional and European level has this project aroused?
  • Antonella Bongiovanni – What interest and institutional support at regional and European level has this project aroused?
  • Paolo Bergese – What interest and institutional support at regional and European level has this project aroused?
  • Seppo Vaino – What interest and institutional support at regional and European level has this project aroused?
  • Goreti Sales – What interest and institutional support at regional and European level has this project aroused?
  • Laura Corcuera – What is the degree of maturity of the project technologies and how and when are they expected to reach the market?
  • Genevieve Bart – What is the degree of maturity of the project technologies and how and when are they expected to reach the market?
  • Jussi Hiltunen – What is the degree of maturity of the project technologies and how and when are they expected to reach the market?

You can see the video of the interviews in this link